Software protection
I've been meaning to write about this for a while. It's a very simple topic, but developers get all emotional and stop being rational as soon as the magic "code protection" and "piracy" words get invoked. I'd like to say I'm not promoting copyright infringement nor saying developers don't deserve to be compensated for their work. Now that that's out of the way...
The two things most developers want to stop are unauthorized installing (license enforcement) and "code protection". Code protection is a very weak concept, mainly revolving around thinking people are going to steal your precious algorithms. Protection is easy to deal with, so I'm going to cover that now.
Before VMs like .NET were popular, most of the code protection I've seen revolved around the code that implements the license enforcement. Developers would write all sorts of nasty-clever-clever code to make things hard for the crackers. You see this sometimes when you run an application and it complains about a debugger being installed or running. With Java and .NET, disassembly got easier. This made it extra easy to patch any license code, since the disassembled code was in a high level language like IL. The response, and our first enemy of the day, was obfuscation.
Obfuscation takes your assembly and screws up all the metadata. On top of that, it might go and rewrite sections of your code to obfuscate the flow of the program, or perhaps indirectly load strings. The downside of course is that debugging gets really hard cause all your method names are now unreadable, reflection is broken, etc. Depending on the techniques an obfuscator uses, you can run into some other troubles. For instance, whatever obfuscator VistaDB uses is really broken, as it generates bad IL that just happens to work on MS CLR, but crashes (rightly so) on Mono. Not to mention that certain IL tricks are not verifiable, hence you can't use the code in lower-trust scenarios.
But what does obfuscation accomplish? Crackers ALWAYS win. Even the "most difficult" license system with hardware dongles and activation get cracked. The response I usually hear is "well it raises the bar". So. What. "Raising the bar" is totally pointless..
For physical security, raising the bar is good in general. For example, if you buy a safe, it'll prevent a lot of thieves from getting to the valuables. Sure, there are higher level thieves, but you've weeded out a lot of the population around you, and the benefit is very real. Now some punk kids can't just go in and vandalize and "casually steal" your valuables.
But for computerized tech, the "bar" is the highest level attacker. If your valuable is "cracking my serial verification code", as soon as the "high level thief" cracks it, he can go write a simple program anyone can download. So the REAL bar is "user googles for a crack". That's what needs to sink past all the emotional nonsense developers go through when protecting their code. No matter what kind of complex protection schemes you put in, then obfuscate it on top of that, if the product has value, _someone_ will crack it, and all your users can just download the crack.
This isn't a maybe, this isn't a "possibly", this isn't theoretic, this is the exact reality. There is *nothing* you as a developer can do to prevent this (apart from make your product suck so much no one cares). [If there is, I'd love to hear it.]
So, obfuscation has zero value in preventing cracks, serials from getting out. And it has downsides. Just read the VistaDB blogs/forums to see real world problems only because they use an obfuscator.
What about "protecting special algorithms"? From who? If your competitors are good, they'll figure things out regardless. If they suck, they won't be able to do much with it anyways. I think the biggest threat is some overseas group disassembling your code, slapping their logos on it, and reselling it. That's a clear and obvious loss if they are making sales. But, obfuscation isn't really going to stop it, just raise the bar a tiny bit. In this case, since you're dealing with a limited number of "pirate companies" that exist for profit, perhaps obfuscating has a bit of value. But think: If someone can not know your source code, not be able to provide support, etc. etc., but can still outsell you and your marketing, perhaps you have business issues.
The one other place I hear people using obfuscation is to protect an app from "casual hacking". WTF does that mean? You mean you're afraid your sales clerk might decompile the PoS application, but give up quickly? You think it means you can safely store passwords in the binary? I'm not sure what such developers are thinking, but I'm guessing they did a poor security analysis of the situation.
As a side note, this is not particular to VM platforms like Java and .NET. Check out Hex Rays. They do a fine job *decompiling* optimized native code. I've seen it in action; it makes it easy to take any native app, decompile it, figure it out, then work with the assembly code. So these .NET devs thinking they are so leet cause Reflector messes up and hence no one can figure it out... sigh.
Finally, a nice real-live demo. Look at Spore and other games using heavy DRM and protection mechanisms. Obviously Electronic Arts has an unlimited budget for getting the "best" type of protection. Yet the protection proved utterly useless against piracy. Just go to and search. Yet they certainly introduced more bugs and user hate. (Of course, the REAL motive behind such DRM is killing the used games market. For this, all they need is stuff that honest users won't break.)
P.S. The reason I finally wrote all this is because VistaDB just took the silliness to the next level. I got their 3.4 Trial, but it crashes on Mono because the obfuscator emits totally invalid IL code. Their official response was that Trials aren't tested on Mono. I bought the product and the "stable" builds still have the same busted IL code. Awesome protection; stopping paying users from using the software rocks!
I suppose I could understand IF they had some awesome trade secrets. BUT, they provide a source code license. So an evil VistaDB competitor just buys a source code license to get all the details. How is obfuscation helping ANYONE here? (Note the runtime has no licensing; only the developer install.)